
Monday, November 7, 2011

The TWO WEEK wait

Okay, it’s actually not that long but it might as well be TWO YEARS because I am just so dang anxious and excited to hear GOOD NEWS that this count down is killing me.   The first part of this cycle we were so busy…traveling to Florida, ultra sounds, blood work, twice daily injections, new instructions weekly, and now….we just wait (I suppose I shouldn't leave out that I'm still doing the horrible “phobia shots”).  

This weekend a very good (and wise) friend of mine was very helpful with “what to do with my time” when I was getting “cabin fever” thinking about what I should (but cant) be doing (primarily cleaning the house and yard work).  "Just a few things to get you started...sleep, clean out your dvr, acupuncture, knit baby clothes (I cant even finish a scarf yet), blog, pinterest, plan your DIY Christmas projects, crafts, and cook yummy meals to freeze (yes she is officially a “super woman” because I have no doubt that she did, in fact, do all of that).  I made it to “clean out my dvr”, “pinterest”, and “blog” (baby steps to "super woman" status).

I have to tell you, I am somewhat losing my mind (in addition to the whole “cabin fever” thing).  This past Friday JCH and I laid down for bed and carried on with our typical “pillow talk” when he reminded me of something that had happened earlier in the night that for some reason threw me into a LAUGHING FIT.  I will give myself some credit it was so funny that I cant even share the story (gasp, I know, I share everything).  When I say laughing fit I mean…long giggles from the diaphragm with huge gasps of air in between and laughing so hard strange sounds (including snorts) came out with tears bursting out of my eyes.  This lasted for almost 15 minutes (no lie) with no end in sight until I made a strong effort to stop (in fear of hurting my super embryos with my "bowl full of jelly" laughter) me in any other circumstance I would have laughed all was like a felt amazing!

So other than the laughing fit, I also have my little crying fits (which aren't nearly as news worthy).  Another strange thing that these hormones have brought on is BLUSHING/HOT FLASHES.  Every time I get excited my face turns bright red and I literally start sweating...the redness lasts for about a minute but the sweating lasts for almost 10.  This has happened several times and makes me feel so awkward.  JCH and I ran into a girlfriend shopping on Sunday and I got excited to see her (it's been a while) and here comes the BLUSH...same thing goes for today at work when some friends stopped by...and at the grocery store when I ran into a friends little sister, and even at home with JCH just talking about FOOD and where we were going for dinner.  Not sure if my hormones cause a surge in blood flow or maybe I am actually blushing because I'm subconsciously feeling vulnerable...but it's so strange.  Oh and one last thing...I have been peeing like a crazy girl...I asked JCH to pick me up a "night light" because of my frequent "night pees" (I have NEVER been a night pee-er). 

So that's pretty much it with the freaky hormone stuff (I'm sure I'm speaking too soon and there will be more). wait! Is it wrong to want to stop at the pharmacy and pick up some "at home pregnancy tests" and maybe take one on Friday? Maybe we can all vote on that...???

Who doesn't love BABIES and LAUGHING?? Check it out!


  1. Do NOT take an early prego test! If it's negative it won't mean you aren't prego but will STRESS you out and that is mo bueno!

  2. LOL Mer! I knew you would say that! I wont...besides JCH says NO WAY! :O I'm super tired today and lots of cramping...hopefully that's a good thing!

  3. I'm with mer, no reason to add extra stress my dear! I could totally picture you crying and attempting to stop laughing by breathing slowly. :)

  4. Today is the day of truth!! I'm so anxious that adrenaline is eating up all of my food and I can't stop eating!!! I will let y'all know as soon as we hear something--hopefully good news!


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