
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

TWO "not so easy" STEPS

Because the fertility center is treating both JCH and I as “patients” they will be testing and prepping us simultaneously leading up to fertilization.  Last week prior to leaving my HSG appointment the doctor asked me what our “plan b” is.  I told him that JCH and I had just briefly discussed using donor sperm, but that we would prefer to “cross that bridge” when we get there.  To my dismay that is not a recommended path.  There will be a very small window where my eggs will be ready to be fertilized and they will need sperm.  At that point, they will go to JCH to perform a biopsy of his testicles (which will hopefully produce viable sperm).  If they cannot get viable sperm from JCH they will need to implement “plan b”.  If we don’t have a “plan b” they can always freeze my eggs, but that was not something they encouraged as they only preferred to go that route in emergency cases.  Which brings me to “not so easy” step 1…choosing our “plan b” (donor sperm).

How might one find donor sperm you ask?  Check it out for yourself, it’s (for lack of a better word) FREAKY! You can choose based on ethnicity, hair color, hobbies or religious beliefs, or you can send in a picture of your spouse and they will match facial features to those of the donor sperm to find a close match.  You can even listen to a recording of the sperm donor answer questions about themselves.  Yes, I admit, I have looked at it.  But I have yet to sit down and have a serious conversation with JCH about choosing our donor sperm.  How would you choose?

So what is “not so easy” step 2?  Prepping my body.  (Remember I’m slightly OCD)  No coffee, no alcohol, no pharmaceuticals, no over-the-counter medications (remember my family who truly believe I’m a hypochondriac), less processed foods, more fruits and vegetables, prenatal vitamins, and a much stronger work-out regimen (and this is only my “common sense” list, not the doctor recommended version).  NO COFFEE?? Yeah, that’s going to be rough for a few weeks.  And what will happen to my acid reflux without taking my Nexium? These are minor worries. NOW “insert” (pun intended) hormone injections.  Lupron, Dexamethasone, Gonotropins, HCG, low dose HCG, doxycycline, progesterone, and Vivelle.  It’s crazy but each of these hormones play a very special role in a very time-sensitive manner.  If you’re interested in learning about the functions of each, shoot me an email, I’ll be glad to share! 

Within a week or so, I should be receiving our “protocol” from the Fertility Center, in which case we will know exactly when we will begin…but if all goes according to plan.. “there should be no reason we can’t start our first cycle with the start of your next period” (doctors words).  p.s. I’m expecting a visit from Aunt Flow around August 28th.  Let the count down begin! 18 days!


  1. I just got so excited for you!!! 18 days and you might be prego! here's the thing,a little piece of advice: you might want to take some time off work OR forget where my office is located after you stop drinking coffee...

  2. Casey, what about decaf cofee??
    Also, I have kind of a general question about why you personally have to go through so many tests and preparations beforehand? I think maybe I need a brief explanation of how IVF actually works, step by step. Why are the hormones necessary?
    I'm embarrassed, but I'm beginning to realize my understanding of IVF is so rudimentary...

  3. ps. I have no idea how I'd choose a sperm donor. That is food for thought! Hugs to you during this very exciting and also nervewracking time!

  4. I'm with DCD, I'm not familiar with the process. But I am here every step of the way and each you take. I will also do my due diligence and understand the process better bc you just provided me with a ton of new scrabble words. I was aware of the complicated process but it wasn't until you listed it out on a real life basis that I understood what an emotional, consuming, brave process this was. I'm hear Case and will count down those 18 days with you. xo

  5. Thanks guys! This may get here goes...
    DCD & Tam-- I feel like my explanation of IVF would be very elementary at this point...but I do have some pretty good explanations of the hormones/etc that you can learn about from a basic googel search:
    Lupron-used to control ovulation and improve follicle development
    Dexamthasone-steroid used to suppress adrenal androgens-enhancing ovulation induction
    Gonadotropins- several medications used to stimulate follicular growth
    HCG- stimulates the final maturation of the eggs and allows for the eggs to be retrieved for fertilization
    Doxycycline-antibiotic taken prior to embryo transfer to suppress infection
    Progesterone-used to supplement the uterine lining and provide more receptive conditions during embryo implantation
    Vivelle- an estrogen supplement to support the endometral lining


  6. So I guess my question is, (and maybe it's dumb or really obvious) -- is an egg fertilized via IVF much more fragile than an egg fertilized in the traditional way?

    It seems like your docs want to prep your body to be the PERFECT habitat for your fertilized eggs (hey! then you are ahead of the game with your perfect uterus!)...because the IVF egg is more delicate than a typical egg?

    OR, maybe it's not that the eggs are necessarily more fragile, maybe it's just that IVF is an expensive, arduous undertaking and one in which the parents-to-be are deeply emotionally the docs want to give these eggs the absolute best chance possible at becoming a little baby?

  7. I had to do the Hsg thing to get pregnant. While it is not the extent of frustration that you are going through...I understand. I know its a long process but I know that you and john will make the best choices for you guys and it will be ok.

    As far as picking sperm I don't know how you would do that but I like the idea of picking features from you and would be nice if you guys could say he has "my nose" I know that's the least of your concerns but I am enjoying your blog.

  8. DCD- from my understanding the eggs aren't any more fragile (although they do some of this to stimulate the increased production of eggs). Also, in technical terms when you "get pregnant" so many factors are involved that I think they just want to make sure that the "stars align" since we are investing (emotionally and financially) in something so very time-sensitive that involves so many different variables. Jenna--I'm so glad that you are enjoying my blog and anything you feel like sharing along the way about your experience- I would love to hear it! :)


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