
Friday, January 27, 2012

Food and Fun

Happy Friday my amazing bloggie friends!  I apologize for my absence the past week…I may have bitten off more than I can chew with work and personal stuff…but I have not forgotten the exciting adventures of “Where do Babies Come From?” and all of you who check us out to hear what’s new.

I am normally a huge “foodie”! Food is a BIG DEAL to me! I love food!  I’m not a picky eater but I have a very snobby palette (as JCH would say).  I don’t always know what I want, but once I figure it out- I’ve gotta have it!  I literally was a food craving prego before I ever was prego…and now that I’m prego, food is no longer cool with me.  EXCEPT NOW!  The 29th Annual Lowcountry Oyster Festival is this weekend and I have NEVER wanted an oyster more!  To date, the only thing that I have really been “missing” that I cant have is deli meat (and fried pickles).  Being constantly nauseous and gagging on nearly everything that goes down the hatch makes a basic deli sandwich sound better than any steak, lobster tail, or cocktail.  But now with the oyster fest this weekend I literally cannot think of anything that I want more!  Actually it might be a toss up between roasted oysters (not allowed shellfish), Pluckers’ fried pickles (only in Texas), and deli meat (dang Listeria).  I chalked my deli meat and fried pickles cravings up to “always wanting what you cant have” but I truly REALLY want oysters…I’ve been looking forward to oyster season and the amazing “all you can eat” oyster roasts all over town!

Happy hour has taken on a completely different meaning!  A friends’ birthday is tonight and she sent a text early in the week to “join her for happy hour at 6pm this Friday”.  HAH! Happy hour! Happy hour to me is a good hour nap, or an hour massage, or if I could get one good hour with no nausea.  I am literally daydreaming about a happy hour spot with only pregnant women, jumping for joy, stuffing their faces, and talking about their gas and bloating for an hour- what a great dream!  Last night at prenatal yoga the instructor compared our “choice of positions” to a buffet, saying that it was a “Thursday night special” (too funny).  Her analogy to food made me think about other (prior) indulgences and yeah I guess Thursday night prenatal yoga has become “my happy hour”…but I’m (actually-lol) not complaining!  I love my “Thursday night special”!

I am a lucky girl in that I have a few very close friends that have recently had babies.  I am a very lucky girl that they are seriously some of the most amazing women I know and have offered up “goodie bags” full of clothes, books and miscellaneous prego needs.  Needless to say, my coffee table has about 15 books stacked on it (that I am slowly weeding through).  I thought it would be good for JCH to read the “daddy chapter” in one of my books to help him understand what I am going through and BOY DID THAT BACKFIRE!  He read the part about “men getting empathy symptoms” and as far as I can tell that’s as far as he got (sad face).  Two days later JCH is telling me that the thought of food is just gross to him and that his stomach aches, and that he isn’t feeling “well”, and that he is really tired. NO JOKE.  He tells me that he thinks he is having empathy symptoms and now he knows how I feel.  I told him that if he really wants to “feel like me” than he should eat 15 bean and cheese burritos (to be potentially as full, bloated and gassy as I am), and then stick his finger down his throat and keep it there…all day!  He didn’t really think that was funny…but then again I didn’t really think his “empathy symptoms” were funny…especially since they were taking away from my “pampering”.  I say this all with good humor…as frustrating as pregnancy is and is silly as JCH’s empathy symptoms are, this pregnancy has been a true testament to the amazing man, and husband he is and daddy that he will be.  It may not feel like it at times, but I know I am a very lucky girl!

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