
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A “Royal Mess”

Last week my sweet empathetic (drama king) husband camedown with a terrible chest/head cold and two days later I too had the same cold.  We were miserable.  I hadn’t remembered being THAT sick in a long time where all I wanted to do was shove tissues up my nose and chug an entire bottle of Nyquil (don’t worry-I didn’t).  Proof that this wasn’t your typical seasonal cold was that JCH ended up in the hospital.  (REFRESHER:  JCH has Cystic Fibrosis)  His body just couldn’t get rid of the mucus and fluid that was attacking his lungs and being sick took such a huge toll on his body.

If you were a “fly on the wall” or maybe “on my shoulder” you wouldn’t have believed what we were going through-it was honestly one of those times I just wanted my mommy.  I can take care of JCH when he is sick, and he can take care of me when I’m sick…and we seem to be able to take care of each other when WE are pregnant…but combine all of those factors and we are a royal mess!!!  Productivity in our household went to a screeching halt.  EVERY SINGLE BOWL AND SPOON in our house was dirty (since I’m only eating cereal for breakfast and dinner -gag reflux-cant help it).  Our house literally looked like a fraternity house.  It’s amazing how quickly MESSES pile up when you aren’t doing some daily housekeeping.  No clean clothes, no clean dishes, dirty Kleenex covering every counter and table, bills stacked up everywhere- YIKES!!!!  Good news is that we are both feeling much better this week.  JCH got out of the hospital on Monday and seems to have a more ambitious mindset towards his breathing treatments and physical therapy-lets hope that helps!

Thursday night when I finally laid down for bed “baby h” kicked me!  Up until Thursday night I had felt light flutters and butterflies but this time was the real deal.  After two or three kicks I rested my hand on my belly and could actually feel them on the outside too.  Last night “baby h” was so active that I stayed awake, heart racing with amazement.  It was only after about 10 minutes that I realized how worked up and excited I was and decided I needed to calm down and go to sleep. JCH is home but not back at work yet, so his sleep schedule is a bit crazy and he wasn’t in bed with me in order to witness it. 

Speaking of sleeping.  I’ve finally got a good system of sleeping comfortably.  I have always been a “belly sleeper” so I knew this wasn’t going to be an easy transition.  I’ve got a pillow on each side of me and use them to prop me on my side.  Needless to say, my pillows are now hogging the bed.  JCH didn’t have a problem before, but now that he has a PICC line and iv coming out of his arm he is too having difficulty getting comfortable when he sleeps.  As ridiculous as this sounds our conclusion was that we were going to pull the guest bed into our room and push it up against our queen bed…each of us would have our own bed (and own space) but would technically still be sleeping together.  Just as soon as we decided that JCH wonders aloud…"how are we going to move that bed—pregnant wife and all?" …to be continued on that note…lol

Anyway, "baby h" is growing fast and so is my belly.  I'm feeling pretty good (although nobody is aloud to ask me that because the second they do-I end up sick again).  I sadly still dont really have an appetite.  Like I said before I was more a food craving prego before I was prego than I am now.  I've gained 7 pounds total since first conceiving (YIKES) and the doctor said "get ready to start really putting on some pounds these next few weeks"---was that what prompted my lunges last night?  Only 5 more days until we find out if "baby h" is a boy or a girl!!! I'm dying to find out.  My mother in law was telling me stories about when JCH was a baby and I got so overwhelmed with joy, and excitement with the thought of meeting our little baby.  I just cant wait!!!!!


  1. You look so beautiful little mama :)I hope that you are both feeling much better......miss you both!!! Can't wait to hear whether you are having a little baby girl or baby boy...SO EXCITING!!!!! xoxoxox

  2. Poor thing! You have had such a rough go of it. Glad you and JCH are feeling a bit better this week. What day do you find out if Baby H is a boy or girl?

  3. Thanks Alli!!! Dan-we find out Tuesday morning!!! I've got a little something special planned for the announcement...which has taken some convincing of JCH! :)


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