As you all are fully aware by now, I've NOT had an easy pregnancy. I've heard of these so-called "easy pregnancies"...I have a coworker who was a bubble of joy, never once complained, she liked being pregnant, she didn't have aches and pains, or medical complications for that matter. I'm still "sick as a dog", constantly have indigestion, constipation, lethargy, was plagued with an early medical complication, and now...have a husband who thinks he's pregnant too!! I know I joked with y'all a few weeks ago that JCH thought he was having "empathy symptoms"...but this really isn't a joke anymore.
JCH told me the most hysterical story about how he was at work and was apologizing to his coworker for a mistake that he had made and nearly started to cry. He was beyond shocked with the flood of emotions and says there is no other way to explain it (other than that he is getting hormone surges from me)! I think it's because he is a MAN and apologies are apparently THAT hard-that it brought him to near tears (lol-only joking). The next day he tells me about being on a telecom and being so mad that he had to hang up and walk around his building for a bit. First crying, than furious? He must be pregnant! If you know JCH you know he's a very mellow rational all joking aside this does seem a bit unusual. He is now being plagued with "nausea" (which he swears he's never EVER had before), and no appetite. It really is funny to me...I really should have saw this one coming. Mr. Only Child just cant let me be "the baby" who gets constantly pampered...he has to be sick from my pregnancy too. Maybe we'll both be lucky and my pregnancy symptoms will "let up" a little bit.
Last night I was just saying that my bump hadn't grown much over the past few weeks...and than I wake up this morning and it seems as though overnight our little chudo doubled in size. My belly just POPPED OUT! We are set to take our "17 week" picture tonight so I will be sure to post a picture as soon as we do. In the meantime, my BIG SISTER just so happened to text me today with a picture that was so fitting it's not even funny! I swear there is a strange connection between my sisters and I. Happy Friday to y'all and I hope you have a fabulous weekend planned!
Picture-text from my BIG sister saying "this made me think of you"... apparently I'm not the only middle child who is a drama queen. :) |
I remember going through the "OMG, my belly isn't growing fast enough!!!" and no sooner were the words out of my mouth did I look down and see substantial growth! And now I have not seen my feet in months, I pay someone to cut and paint my toenails and take care growth and I have a full on waddle. Luciana kicks me in the cervix and bladder constantly, so I am either doubling over or peeing myself reguarly. my Braxton Hicks contractions have started and let me tell you, they are no walk in the park! Not trying to scare you, just letting you know that there are others that go through the not so sunny side of pregnancy as well! But in 23 weeks, you will be holding the most beautiful combination of you and JCH and you'll forget about all of these aches and pains! Totally worth it all, wouldn't you say? :)
ReplyDeleteRosemary-I cant believe you are already having braxton hicks! YIKES! I'm nowhere ready for that! I'm just now getting little kicks and loving it...guess I will really bask in these little thumps before they are BIG thumps that make me pee myself! :)OHHHHH much fun!!! But you are right...totally worth it!!! I've been very nostalgic of our "long road" to pregnancy...and count my blessings everyday!
DeleteAwe, I laughed and laughed over this post. I love you so much!
ReplyDeletePregnancy Myth: The mom-to-be is the only one going through hormonal changes.
ReplyDeleteShe's not alone: Dad's dealing with hormone shifts, too.
A study published in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior in 2000 found that over the course of his mate's pregnancy, an expectant father's testosterone levels go down and his prolactin levels go up. Researchers think this adjustment may help prime dudes to play daddy.
LOL-Leah-I thought you would like it! :) Krista-I'm so glad that you shared that link!!! I enjoyed reading the other myths and having some concrete evidence that my husband isn't completely looney!!! :P