I’m falling apart (or maybe I’ve always been this way and my heightened senses are making me finally see it).
I should have had my flu shot yesterday (or weeks ago for that matter) and yet I’m still sitting here typing just as vulnerable as ever (without one). Two days ago we had a very adorable little baby in our office and today we found out he has the flu. Yes I coddled him-played with his cheeks, feet and hands while he was here (how could I resist?). Now I’m freaking out! I should go get my flu shot after work but I’m so tired I feel like I can barely even drive home.
Speaking of tired… I’ve been increasingly tired lately. I fell asleep on the couch last night (per the usual) and when John got me up to go to sleep in our bed I had a little crying fit. Picture a two year old when they are up WAY past their bed time and they are so tired that they get super cranky…that was me last night- I couldn’t help it, I had a crying fit! I’m so tired. I’m tired in the morning, and during the day, and talk about a “mid-day slump”-mine is worse than you can imagine and it doesn’t get any better from there. What is even worse about my tiredness is that I could have been preventing it to some degree. I spoke to Patty at F.I.R.M. today and she asked if I was getting tired and I told her that I was a zombie. She asked if I was doing my progesterone insertions at night and I told her one in the morning and one at night. She told me that I should ONLY be doing them at night. "One when I get home and one right before bed and to tell JCH that I am out of commission from that point on" (her exact words). So basically she is telling me that I have been “out of commission” for the past 3 weeks all day every day! OIY! That explains a lot! I’ll let you know how I feel once I start ONLY doing them at night! Thank goodness for Patty (but how did I seriously miss those instructions?).
Other than that…super green (and it’s not from my Green Monsters). I have been getting increasingly nauseous lately. I puked for my first time today…and it was while driving. I pulled into the Starbucks parking lot without even putting my car into park or being in a space and flung my door open. People ACTUALLY honked at me as if it wasn’t obvious what was going on (so embarrassing).
On top of being SUPER tired and SUPER sick I’m slightly overwhelmed. JCH and I have so many big decisions to make in the next coming weeks. PLUS, he has been chosen as the new spokes model for a pharmaceutical company that produces a drug that he takes. So a man is flying out from California to video tape and snap photos of us in our “every day life” and natural environment (yes, in my house). I know I shouldn’t worry but those who know me know that I am slightly OCD about “presentation” and our house has to be perfect for this. YIKES! Wish me luck!
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ME-last night! :( |
So, yep, train wreck! That’s what I am.
Oh my, I'm dying over that picture. So funny.
ReplyDeleteI wish I could give you a hug! The first trimester is so hard. The exhaustion is in your bones...I remember being so tired I felt like I was getting OVER the flu, every single day. That is the only way I can explain how weak I was. As for the nausea, the memory of it still makes me shudder. Mine was literally constant. It would keep me up at night. I still don't know how I made it through the workdays...I would come home and just lay immobile on the bathroom rug for the entire evening. I couldn't eat, kept a stash of plastic bags in my car, and lost 6 pounds in like a month!
I only tell you my horror story to remind you that you're not alone! I know you know, this is the rite of passage that all pregnant women have faced since the beginning of time (except for those lucky bitches that breeze through the first 12 weeks - I'm looking at you Erin Mills!)
I really hope you feel better soon! (You will!)
p.s. Patty sounds awesome. Like comforting Mama Nurse.
If I saw a girl getting sick and I was behind her, I probably would of jumped out of the car to see if they were OK. Just think, you are puking for a good cause!! I wish I was there with you!! You can do this sista, puke like you mean it! Puke like the champion you are, no shame, let them honk. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm sure your house is beautiful, but I do know how you are, so add some fresh flowers and do a little styling to your accessories around the house. Don't hesitate to call me and we can facetime about it! That is so exciting he was chosen to be the spokesperson. Please keep us posted! Is he coming this weekend?
Hang in their sista, cry, puke, and get it out! Then laugh about it later. I love you!! Best of luck with the weekend! Let's get some facetime in. xoxo
DAN-your story has somehow put my mind at ease-thank you for sharing! I had no idea you had it that bad...I've lost 3lbs in 2 weeks so it looks like I'm on my way to following in your footsteps. TAM- I'm definitely puking like a champion lately (starting with into my toothbrush each morning)...lol more fun to come!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad it (sort of) helped. Tamra is right - puke like the champ you are, no shame on you, shame on those honkers!!
ReplyDeleteI remember well the Morning Toothbrush Puke - the first gag of the day, and actually the last to go too, even after I was feeling much better overall. Bobby's the only one who knew how bad my nausea was...I was so nervous about my pregnancy I didn't tell anyone (not even my Mama or BFF!) until I was 12 weeks along. What was I thinking?? I could've used the support.
Here you are at the beginning of another week. Just a few more, maybe not even that many, and you will start to feel human again. Hang in there Casey!!