TUMMY changes-I was beginning to doubt the reality of my pregnancy since I've felt so good the past few weeks (no chance I'm just one of those lucky girls) and just as it seems I was almost hoping for it, “here comes the nausea”! WHOA! Yesterday I struggled in the morning and just as I was planning out my “sprite and cracker day” my awesome husband brings me some “sea bands” (sea bands are wristbands that fisherman use that activate a pressure point on the wrist that is supposed to prevent nausea). All day I was slightly nauseous but not nearly as bad as I was that morning. As you can imagine the sea bands are NOT comfortable so today I opted to see what I would be like without them…ugh…not good. I’ve been snacking all morning and just as I was force-feeding my 3rd snack of the morning- my blueberry muffins- I awakened my gag-reflux. Put the muffins down and find a toilet asap! UGH! This afternoon I ran to pick up a few bottles of ginger-ale and that has surprisingly helped…a lot! My mind couldn't rest easy until I was actually symptomatically pregnant (and miserable)!
CRAVINGS- I’m not really having cravings except for-for things that I am not allowed to eat- club sandwiches (no deli meat), oysters (we have huge oyster roasts all over Charleston this time of year-so it’s kind of like torture to not be able to eat oysters), and sushi (yeah sure I can eat a California Roll-but who wants to). As soon as something sounds good in my head I can’t seem to get rid of the thought of eating it. So far it’s only been oranges, pickles, and chicken caesar salads (not so strange-just yet).
REALITY- Both JCH and I have had some serious reality checks within the past few weeks. By now most of us have watched a video of a woman giving birth. I’ve watched a few-in high school, in college and possibly once just out of curiosity. Recently JCH and I were talking about a friends labor issues and HE decided to pull up a video. It hit me! That is going to be me in about 7 months! The contents of the video suddenly became MUCH MUCH worse! I guess before, it was difficult to identify with and understand the woman’s feelings and difficulties, but now that I am envisioning myself doing it, it looks like the most painful thing to have to happen to a person (which is usually the description). TOTAL reality CHECK for me. JCH and I went to visit our dear friends in Asheville, NC this weekend and their new beautiful 5 WEEK OLD son. What an amazing weekend! I cooed and cried and couldn’t get enough of him. JCH took a whole day before he even got up the courage to hold him (at which point looked like he had shit his pants-JCH that is-not the baby). At one point in the trip the baby had gotten a little fussy and JCH looked at me in fear as if he was wondering what we had gotten ourselves into (I know he doesn't feel that way-just a little reality check). This spurred a lot of conversation on the drive home. We need to start meeting with child care providers, and figure out if we want to buy a house or move, or stay where we are, what to call our “in utero” baby (peanut, sprout, baby-h, alien, etc.), and we also tossed around some potential baby names. What a great trip! So much of this past week was necessary and beneficial to helping JCH and I get motivated to start making some important decisions! We’ve got SO MUCH to do in SO LITTLE time.
Amongst the sickness and tiredness I have not forgotten how lucky we are to be pregnant and how excited we are to have a chance at being parents! EVERY SINGLE DAY I worry about my little "in utero", and am constantly thinking about what I put into my body and what I do physically that might effect it. I'm 100% thinking about this baby and how excited we are to be pregnant and hopeful parents! WE CANT WAIT! Our little "in utero" is about the size of a blueberry today! Growing fast!
I feel like this cartoon-luckily for me, most people have said I'm glowing (in a good way) |