A hysterosalpingogram (HSG for short) is a non-invasive procedure performed with a SPECIAL X-RAY machine. It is used to detect blockages of the fallopian tubes and disorders or structural problems within the uterus. A small catheter is placed at the cervix and dye is slowly injected. The flow of dye through the uterus and out of the tubes is studied with the X-RAY machine.
Today is my scheduled HSG and I am much more anxious than I ever was on my first day of school, for any dance recital, or starting a new job! An HSG doesn’t sound that bad, right? Why have I worried myself sick about it than you may ask. My husband and close friends say that I am a “big baby” and my mother and sisters will go even further than that and call me a “head case” or “hypochondriac” (this is our way of showing love and compassion-lol). MIND OVER MATTER, right? Yeah, not that easy for me! I know it’s not a big deal, but my body responds differently nevertheless. My palms are already sweating, my heart rate is probably slightly elevated, and I’ve been sick to my stomach since I woke up this morning (I realize this is ridiculous-just so you know).----------> He takes good care of me :)
You also are probably laughing to yourself, thinking about the much more difficult and scary things ahead of me. YES, I know that too, and if you stay tuned you’ll see that my sweaty palms aren’t going anywhere! Wish me luck today! :P
You, your uterus and your sweaty palms have are in my thoughts and prayers today darlin. xoxo