
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Something NEW Everyday

JCH is out of town and little man and I are having some serious “mommy and me” time.  No reason to cook or clean and no additional “wife duties” on top of my “mom duties”.  Yes, I am letting my “inner slob” out!  I’m reading “Brain Rules for Baby:  How to Raise a Smart and Happy Child from Zero to Five” by John Medina and it is a fabulous read.  A rather interesting fact that I came across in this book:

“…having a husband around actually creates an extra seven hours of work per week for women.  A wife saves her husband about an hour of housework per week.”

I think our household might actually be double that!  How did I not realize that having a husband is actually very similar to having a child?  I guess you must first be a parent to make the connection.  It’s not just me either.  I have several friends who are new to parenthood and the number one complaint is “house-work load”.  I’m not bashing men.  It’s a fact.  They apparently do not see messes.  Sure they can take the initiative at work, when driving, in the sack, but they absolutely cannot, when it comes to what needs to be done around the house.  So the big question is, how can a lady get some help around here?  I think this is where the “nagging wife” comes into play…and I do not want to be that.  Do you more experienced “homemakers” have any suggestions for us rookies?

Anyway, onto a much more exciting topic…Henry!  Mommy took a much needed weekend trip to NYC to visit one of my best friends.  Saturday morning before I left, Henry started crawling!  It was kind of a pirate/peg-leg crawl…but he was mobile!  When daddy left for work he waved “bye-bye” and Henry waved back!  Last week we had realized we hadn’t been teaching him to wave so I told JCH to start waving to Henry when he left for work.  Sure enough one week later, little man had mastered the idea.  Smart little cookie!  He also started giving kisses, open-mouthed slobber ones, but might be the best kiss I’ve ever had!!!  We’re not done there.  He is sitting up from a laying position, pulling up on furniture, walking around the house while mommy holds onto his hands, saying mama and dada and even calls his bottle, “bob”.  He plays “gotcha” with me, daddy and “brother” (yes we call Teddy-the dog his brother).  He is loving solid foods and anytime I’m munching on anything I have to give him a little taste.  Such a curious little booger.  He loves pickles.  Today he chased me around the house (crawling), while I vacuumed.  He loves the vacuum!  Meanwhile his “brother” hides perched on the couch.  Henry wants to climb on everything!  He pulls up on the tables, couches, his toys, the dog, the entertainment center.  He loves to play in the dirt outside.   The other night I gave him a bath and he had dirt under his finger nails…so gross and such a boy!  He is a little adrenaline junky!!! He LOVES to bounce, be thrown in the air, swooshed upside down, anything that gives him a rush he revels and finds so much delight in, and he’s been that way from birth.  I specifically remember having to tell daddy to be gentle with him when he was a newborn, and then watching Henry love it so much I couldn’t tell him to stop. Oh boy!

Well, I’m going to take advantage of Henrys nap time by watching my DVR’d episodes of Grey’s Anatomy and munching on some ice cream.  “Single girl” behavior while daddy is away! YAY!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Time to get serious

Hopefully you weren't expecting this post to be "serious". What I mean is that I need to get serious about getting back in the game. I have been a mess. Still not quite washing my hair everyday, pretty much wear sweats or yoga pants everyday, only get out of the house once or twice a week, and heavens...put on make up or curl my hair? Probably once every other week. Those are just the silly and easy transitions that I need to make...there's more...

Yesterday I had a much needed facial. It was amazing! I mentioned that my skin is really rough and porous "post baby" and she said that most women have to change up their "daily skincare regimen" in their 30's (hold up, I'm only 29). Sadly my "daily skincare regimen" is washing my face in the shower in the morning, and splashing cold water on at night. Yep we've got work to do. Starting my new (recommended) regimen today.

Another daily regimen I need to get on is exercise! I've lost the tummy, but weight is still lingering that I would like to shed...mostly in my thighs and butt, but even in my face and arms! GROSS! I'm very interested in enrolling in a boot camp to get back to my "ideal body" and then can go back to my "half ass" work outs (which usually consists of wii fit, riding my bike, running with the dog, or even on the treadmill- gasp) for my routine maintenance! Got to keep this motor running! Any suggestions? (and don't say p90x or whatever that other one is) Maybe crossfit?

Another laughable situation is with my breasts (yes I said breasts)! They never really got that big when I was pregnant or breastfeeding but for some reason, now that I'm not breastfeeding, my bras don't really fit (guess the boobs shrunk). Normally you would just jump down a size, but let's get real, VS doesn't make a bra smaller then what I used to wear. So I'm on the hunt and ready to invest in those little demi bras (that look like a training bra) but made with lace to "sex it up". If you are also a member of the "itty bitty titty committee" maybe you can share what your favorite bra is?

Lastly, gonna get out of the house more! I've enrolled Henry in a weekly "mommy and me" music class at Kindermusik! Pretty excited to see how he interacts with the other kids, and to potentially meet some "stay at home mommy's". I'm also going to be more committed to my Wednesday night hip-hop class...and see where this boot camp/cross fit takes me!

It's about time a fire got lit under my butt! I'm not sure what it was, but I'm feeling motivated and ready to start making some changes!!!

On another note, you have got to see this video of Henry, using his "mesh feeder" with avocado!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Third times a charm

Ready or he comes! Baby Henry is on his way! I've only cried 3 or 4 times from excitement and I'm anticipating a few more times before the day is over! Hooked up and the doctor is going to break my water shortly... (this was my first attempt to announce the birth of Henry)

Baby Henry is here!!!! As you may have guessed, Henry is here!! He is the coolest little dude and I’m obsessed (as you may have also guessed). Where to start?

L&D-I went into labor after a quick 10 minute check up where the doctor “cleared my membranes”…don’t ask me what that means exactly because I’m still not quite sure. All that I know is that when I left I immediately felt an abnormal amount of fluid (sorry tmi) in my pants, called the doctor, stopped back into the doctor’s office and was given instructions to go to the hospital. HE’S COMING!!! I checked into the hospital at 2pm, they put me on petosin and I labored for 4 hours (no pain yet), the doctor broke my water at 6pm (and instantly the contractions kicked up to HOLY HELL OUCH). After they broke my water they left us alone for about an hour. LONGEST HOUR OF MY LIFE!! Apparently my body was contracting hard on it’s on, AND they left the petosin ON…so I was having VERY INTENSE contractions VERY CLOSE together…just as one contraction ended another would be starting…not normal. When the nurse came back in she noticed how frequently I was contracting and turned the petosin off…at which point I requested the anesthesiologist for my epidural. It was another hour and a half until he was in my room, had me prepped, and the “good stuff” turned on and working…sooo longest two and a half hours of my life!
After that it was smooth sailing! JCH ran home to let out Teddy (our dog), meet the UPS driver to get our new camera, and grab a few things that I had forgotten. I played on facebook and pinterest and even started updating my blog (sadly never finished). The nurse came in and checked me at 10pm and said I was ready to go (dilated 10cm, fully effaced, -3 position, etc.), when the doctor came in-she said she’d like to give me another hour (well dang...all that excitement and another hour wait). Around 11ish the doctor came back in and started getting us all prepped to push. They went over “leg holding” instructions with JCH and taught me how I would breathe and push through each contraction. Shortly after 11:30pm I started pushing. It was nothing how I had imagined. Well I always imagined you just push and push and push until the baby comes out…but you actually get nice little breaks in between pushing. As soon as you start contracting you take a deep breath and push (and don’t breathe) for as long as you can, then do that again until the contraction has let up. I did this for probably 8-10 contractions and that lasted about 20-30 minutes. Henry John Hoffman made his entry into the world at 11:59pm…he was determined to come THAT day. At one point I got nervous because the doctor said she was noticing his head was protruding back after each push. She told me that if that kept happening, than they would have to do something “quick and drastic” (I thought that meant a c-section, JCH said it meant they were going to stand on a stool and push really hard on my stomach…thank god that didn’t happen). Both JCH and I were amazed at how smoothly everything ended up going. JCH kept saying that he always imagined pure chaos, lots of equipment and lights and people running around frantically…but it was nothing like that. The doctor sat calmly at the edge of my bed while she talked us quietly through it. There was only one nurse assisting while the baby nurse waited quietly in the corner for Henry’s arrival. It really was the best possible birthing experience ever. I always said that because my pregnancy was a little bumpy I deserved a good labor...or perhaps a perfect baby...well I got them both!!
No family made it for the actual delivery. My sister tried, but that afternoon her flight out of North Dakota was so delayed that there was NO WAY she was going to make it in time so she made the executive decision to wait and come in a week after my in-laws (who were already en route via car from Texas) had left (that way she could have Henry and me to herself) wonderful inlaws were there the next day and such amazing help in that first week! (this was my second-unpublished-attempt at announcing Henry's birth)
6 months later...Yep, he's here alright! Evidence of it is the enormous smile that never leaves my face, the double bags under my eyes, and the fact that I am no longer working in marketing at the credit union. Two things I've found to be very true..."no matter what anyone says they can never truly prepare you for the sleep deprivation in the first few weeks", and understatement of the century, "the most rewarding and amazing feeling to be a parent"...THE BEST!!!! I am honestly loving every moment (even the sleep deprivation which comes on and off with sickness and travel).
(yay...third and final attempt at the announcement...and I've finally published for all of my readers!)

I've decided I'm going to keep writing. It's been a roller coaster and lets be honest, I've got a lot to say...and amazing things to share! I love being able to look back on our "Getting Knocked Up" journey and now we're starting a new chapter, with that I could come up with countless titles..."Where Did This Baby Come From?", "What Have We Got Ourselves Into?", and in all seriousness, "You are My Sunshine"...because I've truly never felt so alive and life has never seemed so bright!

So, now to start you off with a few favorite memories of mine from the past 6 months...
  • Henry sleeping on my chest (still one of my favorite things)
  • Henry enjoying bath time so much that he would kick all of the water out of the tub
  • JCH putting a diaper on Henry backwards (seems to me that would be much more difficult)
  • JCH puking all over the nursery while changing his first poopy diaper (this man can gut a fish and dress a deer, but poopy diapers gross him out...hmmmm)
  • Henry playing and interacting with his friends (I've got 3 girlfriends who had babies within the same month, 2 within the same week, as Henry was born)
  • When we gave Henry his first bath he was on the kitchen counter and screaming and Teddy (our dog) was frantically running around the house trying to find him ("must find/help little brother")
  • Henry's first laugh, while he was sleeping

SO MUCH MORE... but you get the point!

Without further ado...Henry John Hoffman